Monday, September 1, 2008

GREEN MATH... or is it GREED MATH? Slime is GREEN, too!


GREEN Renovation by Doliner-Kaufman likely means Green-backs out of YOUR pocket...

If you do not have a "Government Grant" to do so who can afford to pay $277 per month to "save" $93 per month.

Yet let's do the GREEN MATH. Say the GREEN Renovation ONLY COST $100,000, not $500,000, or even $300,000.

With ZERO interest on a $100,000 (a pretty good "deal" in itself), to pay off $100,000 over 30 YEARS on a MONTHLY basis, the MONTHLY PAYMENT would be near $277,

So to save $93 on her electric bill one month and half on other months, "Green Backs for Green Causes" fundraiser J.D. Doliner pays $277 PER MONTH in GREEN renovation costs.

Figure it out for $300,000 or $500,000 "Green Renovation" costs.

That is like the math of Mr. GREEN Al Gore in the 2000 Election, "Well we just won't count those numbers we don't like..."

Like Greenie Gore did not like the Military Absentee Votes in California, that were NOT counted where he, Mr. Green-Gore, won.

And like the Military Absentee Votes in Florida, where Mr. Green-Gore tried to steal the election.


GREEN = GREED in this Doliner-Kaufman/County Councilman-Circuit Court Clerk Paul Ferguson GREEN HOUSE renovation in Arlington County, Virginia.

Oh, and let's not forget that a BONUS for being the first to implement Paul Ferguson's "Brain Child" "GREEN Home Choice" program in Arlington, Doliner-Kaufman are awarded by the Circuit Court judge Almand with the CHILD SNATCHED from Nancy Hey.

Hey, GREEN MATH and CHILD SNATCHING are BOTH examples of GREED in the GREEN policies of Democrat dominated Arlington County, where Mr. Greenie Gore used to live before moving to his energy hog mansion in Tennessee, and his mentees such as former Democrat County Chairman, now Circuit Court Clerk Paul Ferguson as drones advance the "GREEN MEANIE" policies of "GOVERNMENT IS GREEN, from Stealing by Taxes YOUR GREEN-BACKS, and in Arlington also STEALING your beloved CHILD."


1 comment:

Annon said...

With the renovations being so expensive, and they only getting the funding for it due to their connections on the County Council, how do they expect the project to catch on as some environmental "wave of the future"?